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The Pros and Cons of Moving in NYC in the Summer

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Summer is known as the peak season for many life-changing events, and moving is not an exception. But the question is, is it a good idea to perform the relocation during the hot summer days? Wonder whether moving during summer is right for you and your family? Depending on your preferences, life circumstances, and job obligations, summer relocation can be a perfect fit or a complete disaster. Besides, destination plays a key role when deciding upon the best season to move. That’s why our movers and packers NYC prepared this article for you so you can make the best decision for your move. Here are the main pros and cons of moving in NYC in the summer. And if you decide to move in the summer, we’ve prepared some handy tips and tricks.


A woman packing things
No matter which period of the year you choose for your relocation, it’s important to have professional assistance

Reasons why people choose summer for the move

Before we move on to the pros and cons of moving during the peak season, let’s see some general characteristics of a summer move and see why people move during the season. Namely, the summer is the busiest time of the year for moving companies, and there are good reasons behind it. Besides being a period of less pressure, relaxed work schedules, and holidays, things generally move at a slower pace during summer, so people usually use this opportunity to perform big things in their lives, and relocation is usually on the top of their to-do list. Following are some of the main reasons why people choose summer over other periods of the year.

  • Loose work schedules: Summer is the period of annual vacations that are usually longer, so people have plenty of time to deal with the relocation tasks.
  • More homes on the market: Real estate market usually explode with offers during summertime, and home choices are plenty which is perfect if you want to buy your new home. Besides, June and July are the months renters usually relocate.
  • No school: For families with children, summer is the perfect time to move since there’s no school. Besides, children adapt to the new environment easily since summer is the period when they socialize better.
  • Socializing opportunity: Summer is not only good for children to socialize. It’s also suitable for adults to build a new social circle. Great weather, summer vibe, more daylight hours, more active nightlife, neighborhood parties, and so on make summer perfect for starting a new chapter in your life.
  • Weather: There’s no need to explain this. Sunshine makes everything easier. By the way, if you want to declutter your belongings, summer is the perfect time for organizing a garage sale, thus earning some extra money.

Moving during summer: What is it like?

These reasons are, at the same time, the main pros of moving in the summer. However, the question is whether these reasons are applicable to the NYC summer move. Stay with us and check. But before that, let’s see what are the main traits of a summer move.

Being a more relaxed period of the year for most people, summer gets really busy when it comes to relocation. This busyness makes relocation not so convenient time. Despite that, most people choose these months for relocation. And it’s completely understandable since summer is the only time when most people actually have time to deal with the relocation process. Although at first, summer relocation may seem chaotic due to the heat, busyness, and crowd, it can go smoothly, but you need to be patient. Besides, organization plays a key role in a successful relocation. So, mark the following summer relocation characteristics:

  1. It requires more detailed and far-ahead planning.
  2. You should find and hire your movers a lot in advance
  3. Packing is easier in every aspect – days are longer, you can use your backyard, and your entire family has more time to help you pack up.
  4. Expect higher prices – As in every industry, with an increase in demand, the relocation costs increase too.
  5. Storage units are also busy – The units are not busy only due to higher relocation demand. People are renovating their homes in summer, thus needing storage space.

A mover carrying a box
Moving in summer has its pros and cons

Now that you know why people are moving in summer and what you can expect from a summer move, let’s see what relocation to and across NYC looks like and check its pros and cons. First, let’s check the advantages. Believe it or not, there are many despite the constant NYC hassle.

Pros moving in NYC in the summer

New York – A city that never sleeps. The nickname itself explains life pace in the Big Apple. You may think at first that it’s not so important which season you’ll pick for your move due to the NYC busyness. However, there’s a difference. While some may think summer is not suitable, others will think it’s the best. Whether something is an advantage to you doesn’t mean it will be an advantage for others and vice versa. It’s hard to define the pros and cons of moving in NYC in the summer, but we somehow managed to single out some. So, let’s explore the together.

Summer weather is your ally

Yes, summers are hot but believe us, you don’t want to move to NYC in the wintertime unless you’d like your boxes to get soggy and items water-damaged. Jokes aside. Winters in New York City can be harsh and pretty unpredictable, so it’s better to deal with (extreme) heat but a clear sky. Although summer may bring high temperatures, the weather is dry, meaning no rain and mud, which makes it perfect for your movers to handle your furniture and other belongings during local moving NYC. Besides, traffic during the summer is less heavy and messy (as far as it can be in NYC).

The real estate market is booming in the summer

Summer relocation is particularly beneficial for those intending to sell their old house before moving into a new one. Home listings tend to expand and listed homes sell faster. However, even with a wider choice of homes, the prices may go up, especially for rentals. Rental prices reach their peak in July, and you’ll pay higher broker fees. All in all, you have an excellent home choice but be prepared to pay higher prices. However, mind that NYC is known for generally sky-high prices.

Summer is ideal when moving with children

Relocation means you’ll need to adapt to your new environment and rebuild your social circle. Socializing is particularly important for your children. Adaptation for them is crucial since they go through a life-changing experience. They leave their relatives and friends behind. They need to adapt to a new neighborhood and school, so summer is the perfect timing for relocation. Besides, they’ll have enough time to adjust to this new life before starting with school obligations. However, don’t forget that you’ll also need to adapt and reduce the stress a relocation itself brings. This is the perfect time to meet your new neighbors and enjoy summer in your new neighborhood.

A parent and a child before moving in NYC in the summer
Children need more time to adapt to a new environment, so summer is perfect for the relocation to NYC

You’ll enjoy NYC if you move in the summer

There’s no better period of the year to explore and enjoy the City That Never Sleeps than during summer. So, contact your movers NYC and meet Big Apple at its best. New York is lively, but summer brings a whole new vibe. Enjoy long walks in Central Park, visit some of the best museums, enjoy the splendid city views on many of NYC’s rooftop bars and restaurants, take an NYC boat tour, or simply walk through its amazing avenues.

Cons of moving in NYC in the summer

All seasons have their disadvantages when it comes to relocating. And summer is not an exception. Being the peak season is exactly the thing that makes it, so to say, bad for conducting the move. Following are some of the cons of moving in NYC in the summer that you should have in mind if you decide to move in the end. And if summer is your choice and you worry about cons affecting your relocation, don’t worry. We’ll provide you with some solutions.

Last minute moves

Since summer is a busy season, it’s probably that movers are fully booked. In case you get to hire movers, it’s likely to be a last-minute move, and you’ll agree that everything that’s done last minute can bring many unexpected issues. Besides, you’ll have less time to plan and prepare for the move thus you may miss a lot of important things.

Solution: Decide upon a moving date as soon as you decide when you’re going to move. Contact your international movers NYC and schedule your move.

Movers packing boxes
If you decide for moving in NYC in the summer, keep in mind that movers are pretty busy at this period of the year

Higher moving prices

Money plays an important role in relocation. There are various types of moving expenses. And, professional moving services may be more expensive during the summer, especially in NYC. Movers in NYC are busy during the whole year, but summer is so busy that it’s literally impossible to find available movers. Since the demand is so high and movers cannot manage to deal with numerous relocations, the moving rates go up, and movers are less willing to give special offers or discounts during summer. However, many people think it pays off to hire long distance movers NYC despite the potentially higher prices since summertime is most suitable for any relocation type, especially commercial move.

Solution: Hire movers far in advance if you know that you are going to move in the summer. Schedule your moving date earlier and get special moving quotes or even some discounts.

Long-waiting delivery

When you say summer, the first things that may come to your mind are holidays, traffic, and people moving. Imagine how long you may wait for your things to arrive at your new home, especially if you are moving long distances. So, keep in mind that if you decide to move in the summer, it is likely that you will wait longer than usual for your things to arrive at the final destination. It is particularly the case when moving your car. No matter which means of transportation you opt for, summer makes a lot of traffic either way.

Solution: To avoid traffic, use storage units in NYC and move your belongings a lot before the actual moving date. This way, you’ll save a lot of time, money, and nerves.

Traffic: a main problem when moving in NYC in the summer
Traffic in NYC is always heavy, but in summer is even heavier

Weather: Advantage or disadvantage?

While summer weather is on your side when it comes to performing the moving tasks, it can also be a huge disadvantage. Wonder why? Well, first of all, your belongings are more likely to get damaged, especially electronic appliances. Due to extreme heat, your belongings may get broken, melted, or damaged if not kept under the right temperature conditions. Besides, you will probably feel hot, which may slow you and your productivity down.

Soliton: While you can’t avoid the summer heat, you can at least try to cool a little bit by staying hydrated and turning on your air conditioning while doing the relocation tasks. To avoid damage, use climate-controlled storage units.

Tips for moving in NYC during summer

Now that you know the pros and cons of moving to NYC during the summer season, here are some tips on how 5o prepare for such a venture. First and foremost, get an early start. As soon as you decide upon the relocation, contact your movers NYC, get your moving quote earlier, and schedule the move. It will help you stay organized, prepare on time, and use more affordable moving services. You may even get some discounts. Then, check the weather forecast a few days before the move to prevent any issues. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and cool. Good luck. And if you don’t know how to organize your NYC move, check this 5 must-dos when moving to NYC and have a smooth relocation.

Roadway movers NYC packing boxes for moving in NYC in the summer
Roadway Movers NYC will make your summer relocation easier and more enjoyable

Summer relocation is easier with Roadway Moving NYC

You don’t have to consider the pros and cons of moving in NYC in the summer if you choose to move with Roadway Moving NYC. No matter the season and how busy it is, our movers NYC will approach any relocation most professionally and devotedly. With us by your side, you don’t have to worry about the weather, traffic, and busyness. We’ll treat your relocation as if they are our own. Your belongings are in safe hands, and we’ll deliver them at the agreed time. So, contact us today, get your moving quote, and move like a pro. Enjoy summer, New York City, and this new chapter in your life.

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