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The Ultimate Moving Checklist: Everything You Need to Know Before The Big Move

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Moving to a new house or apartment can be fun and exciting, but there is also a lot to remember throughout the process. Learning how to plan, purge, and pack is only part of the problem. But knowing the perfect time for each part of the move can overwhelm even the most seasoned home relocation veteran. That is why Roadway Movers have created “The Ultimate Moving Checklist” to serve as your moving guide. With it, you might even enjoy preparing for your move!


Having our FREE printable moving checklist on hand throughout your move will not only keep you on track but also create a well-organized, stress-free moving experience! We believe you will find it very helpful. Now relax, take a pen and start crossing out tasks. You’ll soon see how satisfying it is to put that checkmark in the square.

Free printable moving checklist by Roadway Moving

Free Moving Checklist by Roadway Moving

The Stages of Moving

The various stages of moving are labeled according to when you need to take certain actions. Each stage requires you to take certain actions. They are categorized from the most urgent ones to the least urgent. It would be best if you could complete them in the suggested time- frame. Once you have bought the house of your dreams, you will need to schedule the following stages of moving:

  • Immediate stages
  • 6 weeks before moving day
  • 4 weeks before moving day
  • 1-2 weeks before moving day
  • The moving day

two moving trucks
Moving won’t be difficult if you use a moving checklist!

Each stage requires you to fulfill certain actions to ensure a successful moving day. If you follow them according to the checklist, there will be no space for confusion and you won’t forget to do anything important. So, let’s dive into what each stage requires you to do.

Immediate Actions Checklist

The quick action checklist is what you need to do the moment you decide you are moving. Don’t wait to do this. First, you need to decide the date you’ll move, which needs to be eight weeks later, to ensure you have time to get the following details hammered down:

Get estimates From at Least Three Moving Companies

Picking out a good moving company is one of the most important tasks when moving. You need to choose carefully and make sure you find someone with experience and good recommendations. It’s best you select a couple of companies to narrow your search. Compare their prices for basic services and additional services like white glove moving and storage. When you finally pick one, set the moving date.

man holding a blue hart
Choosing a good moving company is one of the most important parts of moving.

Once you fix your moving day you need to get estimates, terms and conditions, and other details. Moving estimates are usually provided by companies for free. Ensure you are clear with your expectations and needs before you sign any contract. There are various types of estimates and you need to make sure you inform yourself about them. You can usually find all the information you need on a company’s website.

Know and Fix Your budget

Take stock of your possessions and estimate the cost of moving them. Consult an accountant and an insurance agent to estimate the costs. You’ll find it helpful to fix and know your budget. You’ll be mentally prepared for the costs if you have a budget. Once you set a moving budget, you will know whether you will be able to pay for basic and maybe additional moving services from a moving company.

Put Organizing Your Documents on Your Moving Checklist

Get a binder or create a separate folder on your computer for moving. Include all your moving details in this file. The contracts, receipts, your house documents, your personal documents, and more. Keeping these files close and organized is very important. And if you love to be creative, you can make yourself a moving book. It’ll make moving more fun and easier.

moving documents
Don’t forget to organize your documents to prepare for your move.

Research Your New Area

Ensure you do proper recognizance of your new area. Find out where you’ll get your essentials, your doctor, vet, schools, grocery stores, and more. Look for places where you can practice your hobbies. Visit your new hometown if you can and have fun exploring. You will maybe find a new favorite restaurant sooner than you think. And most importantly, get to know your neighborhood. Maybe you’ll even meet some neighbors. Bearing this in mind will make your first few weeks after moving stress-free.

city at night
Getting to know your new hometown will make the transition process way easier.

Transfer Your Records to the New Place

You must ensure all your records are available at the new location. Your doctor records, school records, and more should transfer to the new place so that it’s hassle-free for you. So, start this process once you decide on your moving date so you don’t have to worry about it later.

6 Weeks Before Moving Checklist

Week six is all about concentrating on your possessions. There’s organizing, decluttering, sorting, recycling, throwing away and similar actions.

Start Organizing Your Things for the Move

Six weeks before your moving day, you need to start taking stock of your things. You need to plan how to move your possessions, whether you need all your possessions and more. It’s best that you start by going through your possessions. Decluttering can be one of the most important stages of moving. You could make a list of what you want to move with you to your new home and what to leave behind. You don’t need to take unnecessary things and clutter your new space right away.

Have some fun and organize a yard sale. That way you will get rid of anything you don’t want anymore and maybe earn some more money to pay for your move. Throw away everything that you can’t use or if it’s broken. And if you simply have something that’s still good but you no longer want it – consider donating it to charity.

Don’t Forget to Put More Demanding Items on Your Moving Checklist

Next, you have to think about some of your possessions that might need a different approach. Think about moving your plants, your valuable and breakable items, or even pets. You need to treat them differently from your other stuff. They may require special packages or a different method of transport. That’s why you’ll need to plan to move them ahead. As for the things you cannot move like fruit, vegetables and other groceries, it’s best that you try to finish them. If you can’t, gift them to someone else.

add fragile items to your moving checklist
Remember that some fragile items need more of your attention when it comes to moving them.

Last but not least, you must fill out a change of address form at the USA Postal Service so that you don’t miss your mail. It won’t take much time and it’ll save you trouble later on.

4 weeks Before Moving Checklist

Four weeks before you move, you need to do some essential tasks to avoid surprises on your moving day. It includes more planning, strategizing, and taking action. But don’t worry, you have your checklist and can take it step by step.

Buy Your Packing Material

It’s best to start early, always. You can hire professional packer’s services to help you with the packing to avoid buying your own packing material. Ensure you don’t have the burden of collecting and packing your entire house when you get started early. That is, it’s best that you prepare everything before they arrive. It means you have to sort your things by category or by room. Form piles of similar things. It will make it easier both for you and your packers.

cardboard box
It’s best to stick to the essentials when it comes to packing supplies.

And if you don’t want anyone but you touching your possessions, you better start looking for those moving supplies. You can order them online or find another way to get moving supplies. For example, your next-door supermarket may spare some cardboard boxes. Doesn’t hurt to ask. When ordering packing supplies it’s best to stick to the basics. In every moving process, there’s no question you’ll need boxes, bubble wrap, duct tape or packing paper. Other essentials like scissors and markers you probably have lying somewhere around the house.

Change Address For Your Utilities

You need to ensure you change your address for phones, cables, internet, water, electricity, trash collection, and other utilities. Only if you notify them will you get the bills at your new address. And if you are moving long-distance and can’t use the same utility companies, make sure you cancel everything on time. If you don’t, you might have trouble later on.

Get Your New Place Measured

Measure your new house to know the size and plan your possessions’ positions. Knowing the measurement of your new house will help you know how much space you have. You’ll find it easier to envision where what should go so that you direct your movers. And decorating it will go more smoothly.

Make Sure You Put Applying For Your Leaves on Your Moving Checklist

If you are going to continue with the same job you have now, you might want to apply for 2-3 days’ leave to settle in your new place. It’s a simple task but if you forget it – no moving for you. Plus, it’s best to take an off on moving day so that you can do it stress-free and without any hassle. You’ll be able to focus on packing, loading truck rentals, moving, and setting up your new place. It’s highly unlikely your boss will deny you a few days off but make sure you don’t forget to ask. You want to keep your job, right?

moving truck on the street
We advise you to take a few days off from work when moving so you can settle in nicely.

Ensure Your Vehicle is Functional

If you are planning to go by car to your new place on moving day, you must service your vehicle and keep it. If it needs a tune-up, oil change, or anything, ensure it is done. Ensure you have fueled your vehicle for the move. This will help you avoid any surprises in your vehicle on your moving day. And in case of a move where you won’t be able to drive it, you may want to consider storage NYC. That way your car will be safe until you or your moving company can come and pick it up.

1 – 2 Weeks Before Moving Checklist

It’s closer to moving day. You need to tie up all loose ends. Here’s the checklist that you need to fulfill 1-2 weeks before the move:

  • You’ll need to inform the IRS, DMV, healthcare providers, schools, banks, gyms, and other governmental and professional services about your address change.
  • Ensure you go over the moving arrangements with your movers. Ensure you get the right moving truck and talk about parking
  • Start finishing items in your fridge and cleaning the fridge out.
  • Ensure you drain the gas from all your power equipment
  • Get all your prescriptions filled

On Moving Day

On a moving day, you need to act efficiently and get things done. Here’s what you must do on your moving day:

  • Ensure all the things you need to move are properly packed and out of the house into the moving truck
  • Check your house completely to ensure you haven’t missed moving anything to the moving truck
  • Sign all the inventory forms and confirm your address and contact details to the movers you’ve hired
  • Evaluate your new place for any damages and clean up possible hard-to-reach places.
  • Ensure you pack an overnight bag for things you’ll need immediately after reaching your new place.

Wrapping Up

The moving checklist will help you keep track of what you need to achieve to have a flawless moving day. Moving is exciting, fun, and something you wait for in anticipation. You need to ensure you have everything ready, organized, and deal with it. A checklist may just be the key to a successful, stress-free, and efficient moving experience. We hope ours will come in handy and make your move more enjoyable.

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