Ways to Include Kids in the NYC Moving Process

You might already be aware of the fact that moving can quickly become a very stressful process. Whether you are relocating your household or office, moving long or short distance, there are many things you need to think about. And everything can become twice as difficult if you have children. Since they need a lot of your attention, it can be more challenging to organize the relocation. However, there are many ways to include kids in the NYC moving process with Roadway Moving. You just need to think outside the box and be creative. That way, having the help of your little ones can truly become beneficial and may even make your relocation much easier.
Planning your relocation with your children is a fun way to include kids in the NYC moving process
Since moving will require that you do a lot of tasks, it can sometimes be difficult to remember them all. That’s why the key to every successful move is to organize well. Of course, the organization should be completed before you contact local movers New York and schedule your moving date. However, planning a move takes a lot of time, which you might not have if you are a parent. Therefore, you should find ways to include your children in the planning process. You can hand them a tablet or a phone and give them the task of searching for ideas about decorating their room. Or, if they are creative, give them the task of drawing their dream room while you continue to brainstorm about the moving tasks.

For example, a good idea for you would be to make a moving checklist. That way, you won’t forget to complete an important moving task. It would be best to open a file on your computer and keep all of the moving information there. It would be so much easier to have everything in one place. You can put important documents and contact info, as well as ideas for your new home. To help you out, we formed an overall moving checklist what the most important things you need to do. Of course, feel free to add anything you might think is necessary. Your moving checklist might look something like this:
- Researching the neighborhood – this might be one of the best ways to include kids in the NYC moving process since it will help the adapt quicker to the new environment.
- Hiring a moving company – is an essential step in every moving process, and your kids will be able to help you with it to some degree if they are a bit older.
- Preparing your belongings for the move – is an important moving task but can also be a lot of fun to do with children.
- Getting moving supplies and packing for the move – kids of any age can help you with getting supplies and packing. It can be a fun family task, plus you won’t have to hire the moving company’s packing service.

Researching your future neighborhood with your children
An important task to do before moving is definitely to research your future neighborhood. Moving to a new area and completely changing the familiar surroundings can be very difficult for children. Their world is much smaller than yours, and when they move, they leave almost everything behind. That’s why it’s important that you are patient and understanding. One way you can help them to adapt quickly to a new neighborhood is to explore it before the moving day.

How to research if you are moving long distance in order to include kids in the NYC moving process
If you are moving long distance, it’s best to do an online research. You can invite your children to look at pictures of your new hometown. Try to show them an interesting place that you know they will love. If they have favorite hobbies, for example doing some kind of a sports activity, try to find somewhere they could practice it and show it to them. You can also show them pictures of their future school, neighborhood, a fun restaurant you will take them to once you move, or anything else that you find interesting.
How to research your neighborhood if you are moving short distance
If New York City is close to where you live now, the best form of researching your neighborhood is to visit it in person. And of course, take your children with you. Walking down the street where your new home is can be quite relieving for your child. Most probably, they feel anxious about the move, and it’s up to you to ensure them that everything will be all right. Show them around. Show them the store where you will be buying groceries, a park if there’s one nearby, their new school and maybe the new house. Meeting some future neighbors would be even better. So, if you already know someone friendly, introduce them to your child.
Hiring a professional moving company
As one of the most important tasks of the move, hiring one of the professional moving companies Manhattan offers should be done with care. And doing something carefully could take a lot of time and attention. And if your children are small, you won’t be able to take your time to research and find a good and trustworthy company. Therefore, we recommend that you hire a babysitter or leave your little one with family or friends. However, if your children are a bit older, for example, nine or ten, they could even be of great help when it comes to searching for moving companies.

One of the best ways to find Soho movers that are highly professional, trustworthy, and experienced is to read the online reviews. There’s nothing better (or worse) for a business than the experience of its customers. And since young generations surf the internet daily, entrust to them the task of reading online reviews. It could help your kids to gain a sense of responsibility. We recommend that you pick at least three moving companies to read their reviews. Have your children “hunt” for positive customer reviews of a company. This might make your search for a moving company much easier and will make your children feel that you trust them with important things.
Include kids in the NYC moving process by letting them help with preparing your belongings
We can all agree that the biggest task when it comes to moving is deciding what to bring with you. That is, you will need to turn your entire house upside down and collect every single thing you own. So, basically – it’s time to declutter your home. If you have been living in one home for a very long time, there is a lot of work in front of you. And the more people live in the house, the more things there will be. So, it’s best to start doing this as early as possible.
Decluttering your home in order to prepare for the move
Places in your home, such as garages and closets, are usually the most filled with things. We might not even realize just how much stuff is in there. That’s why it’s best to start with those first. This means that you will have to take out every single thing you own and evaluate it. However, you can’t just take them out and place them wherever. You will just create more mess by doing that. Instead, we recommend that you sort them into three piles. You can have a throw-away pile, donate/sell pile, and a keep pile. Your children can be put in charge of a pile each and can help you sort the items.

Every item that is very damaged or broken beyond repair should be thrown away. And that’s the easiest part. If you have some items that can still be used, but you no longer need them, consider donating or selling them. For example, your children can help out by sorting the things that might be donated. Those could be old clothes that they have outgrown or toys they no longer use. It can be very educational for them to think about donating them to other children who have nothing. And last but not least, put everything that you are going to take with you to your new home in the keep pile.
Having a yard sale is a fun way to include kids in the NYC moving process
If, while decluttering, you encountered items that are not suitable for donation but can be of use, it’s a good idea to sell them. You can organize a yard sale and put your kids in charge. They are surely going to love it! It’s a great way for family bonding, plus you can make some extra cash to pay for Manhattan residential movers. Items that you can sell at a yard sale can be, for example, books, old music records, collections, or furniture that you no longer use.

Collecting moving supplies and packing for the move
Once you have finished decluttering and decided what to bring to your new home, it’s time to prepare for packing. But first, you will need to make a list of moving supplies and get them. A lot of them can be purchased online, but you won’t have to buy everything. It’s best to stick to the essentials like cardboard boxes, wrapping paper, and bubble wrap when collecting supplies. You can leave the task of collecting cardboard boxes to your kids. They can visit your local supermarket and ask if they could spare some boxes. As for the rest of the supplies you may need, you probably have stuff like scissors, tape, and markers lying around the house. Entrust your kids to find them. You can even organize a scavenger hunt for it.

As for the packing, your kids could be included in that too. Just don’t let them pack anything valuable and breakable. Different items need different packaging, so it’s best to leave breakables and valuables to the professionals to pack, or you could pack them yourself. Your children could pack their own clothes and other softer items like towels and pillows, for example. Furthermore, they can be in charge of labelling the boxes by writing the contents on each. And if your kids can’t write yet, they can draw on the boxes to label them.
Final thoughts
Hopefully, after reading this article, you will be inspired to include kids in the NYC moving process. We recommended a few ways to do so, but you might be inspired by our article and think of some of your own. Whatever the case may be, it’s always best to let them help you than to have them running around and prevent you from preparing for the move.